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Fondo Vosges
133 km
2979 m
A route through the western side of the Vosges, not tackeling the major climbs but still a good challenge.
famous climbs

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Trois Ballons Granfondo
178 km
4064 m
Famous cyclo in the vosges region, featuring the Ballon d'Alsace, the Grand Ballon and the Ballon de Servance. After which the finish lies on top of the Planche des Belles Filles.

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Trois Ballons Mediofondo
92 km
2209 m
A shorter version of the Trios Ballon cyclo, featuring the ballon de Servance and the ballon d'Alsace. Finishing on top of the Planche des Belles Filles.

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Route des Crete North
108 km
2168 m
The north side of the famous and beatifull Route des Cretes, featuring the Col du Bonhomme.

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Route Haute-Saône
112 km
2206 m
A route through the Haute-Saone region of the Vosgos mountain range. Starting off less hard than most of the other routes in the region, the roads and enviroments are not less beautiful.
famous climbs

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Grand Ballon from Cernay
126 km
2170 m
A route focussing on climbing the Grand Ballon from the south side starting in Cernay. After conquering the Grand Ballon, the south side of the Route de Cretes is included in the route. Enjoy the views of this beautiful region.
famous climbs

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Petit Ballon and Platzerwasel
112 km
2761 m
This route is a paraside for climbers, constantly going up and down, featuting the famous combo of the Petit ballon and the Platzerwasel.